fluidity 0.1.11

Flow is a complete digital identity platform designed to be your last profile, built around ENS
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Fluidity was created out of a general frustration with the current state of centralized and decentralized identity solutions. As we progress towards the future it remains paramount that users become hyper aware of proper data practices.

In order to best serve users Proton will automatically generate a personal constant size, EVM compatible blockchain enabling them to store all of their personal information on. This benefits the sister chains, Aether and Chaos in a number of ways as Flow serves the ecosystem the user's perspective enabling the independent networks to uniquely converge, visually manifesting within Proton.


  • Develop tools enabling users to seamlessly transition onto the platform
  • Create a constant size blockchain, similar to Mina, which is composed of other constant sized chains and validates the existence of the owner of the subspace

Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/scattered-systems/flow

cargo build --release --workspace
cargo test --all-features --color always --release --verbose --workspace

cargo run --bin flow-api --release
cargo run --bin flow-cli --release -- --help