[][src]Module fluid::wiki

The crate's wiki.

Get started

As a general advice, it should not be forgotten that everything related to this crate must be used only within a test config (i.e., with a #[cfg(test)] attribute). Otherwise, the library sources are mixed with the tests ones.

Add the crate in the Cargo.toml as a dev dependency:

fluid = "0.4"

For those stuck in the 2015 edition, reference the crate in the main file:

#[cfg(test)] extern crate fluid;

Import the needed content in scope of the test files:

use fluid::prelude::*;

The tests can then be written:

Facts and theories


fn cerberus_has_3_heads() {

More about facts.


#[case("Cerberus", 3)]
#[case("Hydra", 7)]
#[case("Janus", 2)]
#[case("Normal guy", 1)]
fn each_creature_has_a_correct_number_of_faces(name: &str, nbr_faces: u8) {

More about theories.

Setup and teardown

Tests sessions are available: they allow to add a setup, a teardown, and a context to the tests:

use fluid::prelude::*;

struct FooTests {
    // The needed context.

impl Default for FooTests {
    fn default() -> Self {
        // Here goes the setup.
        FooTests {
            // ...

impl Drop for FooTests {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // Here goes the teardown.

// Here go the tests:
impl FooTests {
    fn dummy_example(self) {
        // The context can be used through `self` for the tests.

More about sessions.



The complete list of the implemented assertions.


A #[fact] is a simple concrete fact to be verified. For example:


A test #[session] allow to use methods as tests.


A #[theory] is a test more complex than a fact, that must be proven or inferred with multiple cases.