[][src]Crate fluence

Rust backend SDK for applications on the Fluence network. This crate defines the procedure macro #[fce] that could be applied to a function, structure or extern block.

Structures with #[fce] (hereinafter they'll be called records) could be used then in function arguments and values. All fields of a record should be public and have one of the following primitive Rust types (bool, u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64, String, Vec<u8>).

use fluence::fce;

struct T {
    pub field_1: i32,
    pub field_2: Vec<u8>,

Functions with #[fce] will be exported from this module:

use fluence::fce;

pub fn get(url: String) {
    // ...

At now, such functions could have arguments with primitive Rust types and record and only one return argument with such type could be used.

Finally, to import other wasm modules to your project use similar code:

use fluence::fce;

#[link(wasm_import_module = "wasm_curl.wasm")]
extern "C" {
    #[link_name = "get"]
    pub fn curl_get(url: String) -> String;



These API functions are intended for internal usage in generated code. Normally, you shouldn't use them.



This struct contains parameters that would be accessible by Wasm modules.


The Wasm logger builder.

Type Definitions


Attribute Macros
