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Flow-Rust-SDK API Reference

See the Wiki for usage instructions.


pub extern crate hex;
pub extern crate rlp;


flow is an exported module from the flow_rust_sdk. It’s types are generated directly from the gRPC API Protobufs https://github.com/onflow/flow/tree/master/protobuf


Construct a serde_json::Value from a JSON literal.


This is our argument builder.

The FlowConnection object contains a single API connection. The network transport layer can be optionally substitued by implementing a new FlowConnection

A random number generator that retrieves randomness from the operating system.

Construct a signature object. Pass this into the payload or envelope signatures when signing a transaction.


Represents any valid JSON value.


build_transaction will construct a flow::Transaction with the provided script and arguments. See the Argument struct for details on how to construct arguments.

Deserialize an instance of type T from bytes of JSON text.

Process key arguments. Intended for use with create_account

Sign the provided transaction. You will first need to build_transaction.

Serialize the given data structure as a JSON byte vector.

Type Definitions

ECDSA/P-256 signing key