[][src]Trait flatk::SplitPrefix

pub trait SplitPrefix<N> where
    Self: Sized
{ type Prefix; fn split_prefix(self) -> Option<(Self::Prefix, Self)>; }

Split off a number of elements from the beginning of the collection where the number is determined at compile time.

Associated Types

type Prefix

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Required methods

fn split_prefix(self) -> Option<(Self::Prefix, Self)>

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<I, N> SplitPrefix<N> for Range<I> where
    I: IntBound + Default + Copy + From<usize>,
    RangeFrom<I>: Iterator<Item = I>,
    N: Unsigned + Array<I>,
    <N as Array<I>>::Array: Default

type Prefix = N::Array

impl<'a, T, N> SplitPrefix<N> for &'a [T] where
    N: Unsigned + Array<T>,
    <N as Array<T>>::Array: 'a, 

type Prefix = &'a N::Array

impl<'a, T, N> SplitPrefix<N> for &'a mut [T] where
    N: Unsigned + Array<T>,
    <N as Array<T>>::Array: 'a, 

type Prefix = &'a mut N::Array

impl<S, T, N> SplitPrefix<N> for (S, T) where
    S: SplitPrefix<N>,
    T: SplitPrefix<N>, 

type Prefix = (S::Prefix, T::Prefix)

impl<T, N> SplitPrefix<N> for Vec<T> where
    N: Unsigned + Array<T>,
    <N as Array<T>>::Array: Default

type Prefix = N::Array

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impl<S, M: Unsigned> SplitPrefix<M> for ChunkedN<S> where
    S: SplitAt + Set

type Prefix = ChunkedN<S>

impl<S, N, M> SplitPrefix<M> for UniChunked<S, U<N>> where
    S: SplitPrefix<<N as Mul<M>>::Output> + Set,
    N: Unsigned + Mul<M> + Copy,
    M: Unsigned

type Prefix = UniChunked<S::Prefix, U<N>>

impl<S, O, N> SplitPrefix<N> for Chunked<S, O> where
    S: Viewed + Set + SplitAt,
    N: Unsigned,
    O: Set + SplitOffsetsAt

type Prefix = Chunked<S, O>

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