[][src]Module firestore_db_and_auth::rocket

Rocket Authentication Guard

Because the sessions module of this crate is already able to verify access tokens, it was not much more work to turn this into a Rocket 0.4+ Guard.

The implemented Guard (enabled by the feature "rocket_support") allows access to http paths if the provided http "Authorization" header contains a valid "Bearer" token. The above mentioned validations on the token are performed.


use firestore_db_and_auth::{Credentials, rocket::FirestoreAuthSessionGuard};

fn main() {
    let credentials = Credentials::from_file("firebase-service-account.json").unwrap();
    rocket::ignite().manage(credentials).mount("/", routes![hello, hello_not_logged_in]).launch();

/// And an example route could be:
fn hello<'r>(auth: FirestoreAuthSessionGuard) -> String {
    // ApiKey is a single value tuple with a sessions::user::Session object inside
   format!("you are logged in. user_id: {}", auth.0.user_id)

fn hello_not_logged_in<'r>() -> &'r str {
    "you are not logged in"



Use this Rocket guard to secure a route for authenticated users only. Will return the associated session, that contains the used access token for further use and access to the Firestore database.