Module fips203::ml_kem_768

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Functionality for the ML-KEM-768 security parameter set, which is claimed to be in security category 3, see table 2 & 3 on page 39 of spec.


Typical usage flow entails:

  1. The originator runs try_keygen() to get an encaps key encapsKey and decaps key decapsKey.
  2. The originator serializes the encaps key via encapsKey.into_bytes() and sends to the remote party.
  3. The remote party deserializes the bytes via try_from_bytes(<bytes>) and runs try_encaps() to get the shared secret key ssk and ciphertext cipherText.
  4. The remote party serializes the cipertext via cipherText.into_bytes() and sends to the originator.
  5. The originator deserializes the ciphertext via try_from_bytes(<bytes>) then runs decapsKey.try_decaps(cipherText) to the get shared secret ket ssk.
  6. Both the originator and remote party now have the same shared secret key ssk.

–> See crate::traits for the keygen, encapsulation, decapsulation, and serialization/deserialization functionality.


  • Supports the KeyGen trait, allowing for keypair generation


  • Serialized Ciphertext Key Length (in bytes)
  • Serialized Decapsulation Key Length (in bytes)
  • Serialized Encapsulation Key Length (in bytes)

Type Aliases§

  • Correctly sized ciphertext specific to the target security parameter set.
  • Correctly sized decapsulation key specific to the target security parameter set.
  • Correctly sized encapsulation key specific to the target security parameter set.