findup 0.1.0

Find the first file matching in a current working directory or the nearest ancestor directory up to root failed to build findup-0.1.0
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A Rust tiny crate to find the first file matching in the current directory or the nearest ancestor directory up to root with Glob patterns support. Inspired in node's findup and Go findup

Note: this is still a hacking-driven just-for-fun alpha package as result of a couple of hours learning and playing with Rust


To use findup, add this to your Cargo.toml manifest

findup = "0.1.0"

And add this to your crate root:

extern crate findup;


extern crate findup;

use std::path;
use findup::findup;

fn main() {
  let file: Path = findup("my-file.*");
  assert_eq!(file.exists(), true);
  if file.as_str() == Some(".") {
    println!("File path: {}", file.display());
  } else {
    println!("File not found");


MIT - Tomas Aparicio