Crate file_type_enum

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An enum with a variant for each file type.

pub enum FileType {
    BlockDevice, // unix only
    CharDevice,  // unix only
    Fifo,        // unix only
    Socket,      // unix only

If you don’t need an enum, check these methods from std instead:


use std::{fs, io, path::Path};

use file_type_enum::FileType;

fn move_file(from: &Path, to: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
    let from_type = FileType::symlink_read_at(from)?;
    let to_type = FileType::symlink_read_at(to)?;

    use FileType::{Directory, Regular, Symlink};

    match (from_type, to_type) {
        (Directory, Directory) => {
            println!("Replacing directory {to:?} by directory {from:?}.");
        (Regular, Regular) | (Symlink, Symlink) => {
            // Might print:
            //       "Overwriting regular file at PATH."
            //       "Overwriting symbolic link at PATH."
            println!("Overwriting {from_type} at {to:?} by {to:?}.");
        (_, Directory) => {
            println!("Moving file at {from:?} into folder {to:?}.");
            fs::rename(from, to)?;
        (_, _) => {
            // Might print:
            // -   "Cannot overwrite regular file  with a symbolic link."
            // -   "Cannot overwrite directory     with a symbolic link."
            // -   "Cannot overwrite symbolic link with a regular file."
            panic!("Cannot overwrite {to_type}     with a {from_type}.");


As shown in the example FileType also implements Display.


Note that, like std functions, FileType::read_at follows symlinks, therefore it is impossible to get the FileType::Symlink variant. If you want symlink-awareness, use FileType::symlink_read_at instead.



  • An enum with a variant for each file type.