Crate file_integrity

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File Integrity Library

file_integrity is a Rust library that provides functions for ensuring the integrity of files.

This library allows you to calculate MD5 hashes of file contents, generate JSON reports of file hashes, and more. It is designed to help developers verify the integrity of files in various scenarios.


To use this library, add it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml:

file_integrity = "0.1"

Then, you can import and use the functions provided by the library in your code.


use file_integrity::{list_files, hash_file_list, write_json_file} ;
fn main() {
    let folder_path = "~/" ;
    let nbs_of_file = list_files(&folder_path);
    println!("INFOS: Number of files: {nbs_of_file}"); 
    let hashs = hash_file_list();
    let name = "output.json" ; 
    write_json_file(&hashs, &name);

For more detailed information and examples, refer to the documentation of individual functions and modules.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

For further details, please refer to the LICENSE file.


Contributions to this library are welcome! Please follow the guidelines outlined in the CONTRIBUTING file.

