Expand description

The logging level can be changed by the RUST_LOG environment variable just like [env_logger].


use log::{trace, debug, info, warn, error};


trace!("some tracing");
debug!("debug information");
info!("normal information");
warn!("a warning");

The default output looks like this (with log level debug):

2019-11-11T21:04:25.685 DEBUG simple > debug information
2019-11-11T21:04:25.685 INFO simple > normal information
2019-11-11T21:04:25.685 WARN simple > a warning
2019-11-11T21:04:25.685 ERROR simple > error!

It is also possible to log as JSON, which is more verbose and contains the filename and line number as additional information. To enable it, set the environment variable GOLOG_LOG_FMT=json:

{“level”:“debug”,“ts”:“2019-11-11T21:06:45.401+0100”,“logger”:“simple”,“caller”:“examples/simple.rs:37”,“,sg”:“debug information”} {“level”:“info”,“ts”:“2019-11-11T21:06:45.401+0100”,“logger”:“simple”,“caller”:“examples/simple.rs:38”,“msg”:“//! normal information”} {“level”:“warn”,“ts”:“2019-11-11T21:06:45.401+0100”,“logger”:“simple”,“caller”:“examples/simple.rs:39”,“msg”:“//! a warning”} {“level”:“error”,“ts”:“2019-11-11T21:06:45.401+0100”,“logger”:“simple”,“caller”:“examples/simple.rs:40”,“msg”:“error!”}


A LogWriter that accepts an open File


Logs with color, contains the same information as the pretty_env_logger.

Logs in the same JSON format as IPFS go-log does.

Initializes a new logger. It logs to stderr.

initializes a new logger that logs to an already opened std::fs::File.

Logs without color, contains the same information as the pretty_env_logger.