Crate ffgl_core

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§FFGL plugin

This crate provides a set of tools to create FFGL plugins in Rust.

FFGL Plugins require a plugMain function to be defined for the host to call. the plugin_main macro will generate this function for you.

The quickest way to get started is to implement the handler::simplified::SimpleFFGLInstance trait on a struct that represents your plugin instance.

Then, call plugin_main!(SimpleFFGLHandler<YourSimpleFFGLInstanceStruct>) to generate the plugMain function.

If you want to control the details of plugin instantiation, see handler.


You must compile your library as a cdylib to be loaded by the host. You can do this in your Cargo.toml:

crate-type = ["cdylib"]


To actually run your plugin, you’ll need to copy it to the FFGL plugin directory. On macos, you will need to additionally package it as a bundle. There are helper scripts in the repository that can assist you with this (./


If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email at

Feel free to get involved in the repo at


pub use tracing;
pub use inputs::*;


This module contains the basic conversion functions for the FFGL2 API Consumers of this library should have to use this module directly. If you run your plugin with RUST_LOG=trace, you should see what functions are being called.
Primary entry point of the FFGL plugin. This is the function that is called by the host. You can use crate::plugin_main to automate calling this entry function from the FFGL ABI
Auto generated bindings to ffgl.
This module provides the main traits for creating FFGL plugins Use simplified for a simpler way to create plugins
Use these to configure what the host expects from your plugin
Inputs from the host to your plugin
Used to connect the internal FFGL logging system to your rust code.
Structs and enums for FFGL parameters Use info::SimpleParamInfo for most simple instances Implement info::ParamInfo yourself for more complex cases (see [example-isf/src/])


Generate the extern "C" fn plugMain(op, input, instance) entry point