[][src]Function fermium::renderer::SDL_GetRenderDrawColor

pub unsafe extern "C" fn SDL_GetRenderDrawColor(
    renderer: *mut SDL_Renderer,
    r: *mut u8,
    g: *mut u8,
    b: *mut u8,
    a: *mut u8
) -> c_int

Get the color used for drawing operations (Rect, Line and Clear).

  • renderer The renderer from which drawing color should be queried.
  • r A pointer to the red value used to draw on the rendering target.
  • g A pointer to the green value used to draw on the rendering target.
  • b A pointer to the blue value used to draw on the rendering target.
  • a A pointer to the alpha value used to draw on the rendering target, usually [SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE] (255).

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on error