Crate feos_core

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Implementation of the Peng-Robinson equation of state.
Implementation of the ideal gas heat capacity (de Broglie wavelength) of Joback and Reid, 1987.
Structures and traits that can be used to build model parameters for equations of state.


Print messages with level Verbosity::Iter or higher.
Print messages with level Verbosity::Result or higher.


Pure component and binary mixture phase diagrams.
Phase diagram (Txy or pxy) for a system with heteroazeotropic phase behavior.
A thermodynamic equilibrium state.
Options for the various phase equilibria solvers.
Thermodynamic state of the system.
A simple tool to construct States with arbitrary input parameters.
Thermodynamic state of the system in reduced variables including their derivatives.
A list of states for a simple access to properties of multiple states.


Possible contributions that can be computed.
Initial values in a density iteration.
Derivatives of the helmholtz energy.
Error type for improperly defined states and convergence problems.
Level of detail in the iteration output.


Reference values and residual entropy correlations for entropy scaling.
Consistent conversions between quantities and reduced properties.
A general equation of state.
Object safe version of the HelmholtzEnergyDual trait.
Individual Helmholtz energy contribution that can be evaluated using generalized (hyper) dual numbers.
Object safe version of the IdealGasContributionDual trait.
Ideal gas Helmholtz energy contribution that can be evaluated using generalized (hyper) dual numbers.
Molar weight of all components.

Type Definitions

Convenience type for Result<T, EosError>.