Expand description

A library for providing abstractions for passing RawFd between processes. This is necessarily a Unix (or Unix-like) library as RawFd are Unix specific.

The underlying mechanism for passing the RawFd is a Unix socket, but the different abstractions provided here are different ways of embedding this in the Rust ecosystem.


An implementation of EnqueueFd and DequeueFd that is integrated with mio.

An implementation of EnqueueFd and DequeueFd that is integrated with tokio.


An iterator over incoming connections to a UnixListener.

Error returned when the queue of RawFd is full.

A structure representing a Unix domain socket server whose connected sockets have support for passing RawFd.

A structure representing a connected Unix socket with support for passing RawFd.


An interface to dequeue a RawFd that was previously transmitted from a different process.

An interface to enqueue a RawFd for later transmission to a different process.