
pub use crate::application_exception::ApplicationException;
pub use crate::application_exception::ApplicationExceptionErrorCode;
pub use crate::binary_protocol::BinaryProtocol;
pub use crate::compact_protocol::CompactProtocol;
pub use crate::context_stack::ContextStack;
pub use crate::context_stack::DummyContextStack;
pub use crate::context_stack::SerializedMessage;
pub use crate::deserialize::Deserialize;
pub use crate::framing::Framing;
pub use crate::framing::FramingDecoded;
pub use crate::framing::FramingEncoded;
pub use crate::framing::FramingEncodedFinal;
pub use crate::processor::NullServiceProcessor;
pub use crate::processor::ReplyState;
pub use crate::processor::SerializedStreamElement;
pub use crate::processor::ServiceProcessor;
pub use crate::processor::ThriftService;
pub use crate::protocol::Field;
pub use crate::protocol::Protocol;
pub use crate::protocol::ProtocolDecoded;
pub use crate::protocol::ProtocolEncoded;
pub use crate::protocol::ProtocolEncodedFinal;
pub use crate::protocol::ProtocolReader;
pub use crate::protocol::ProtocolWriter;
pub use crate::request_context::DummyRequestContext;
pub use crate::request_context::RequestContext;
pub use crate::serialize::Serialize;
pub use crate::simplejson_protocol::SimpleJsonProtocol;
pub use crate::thrift_protocol::MessageType;
pub use crate::thrift_protocol::ProtocolID;
pub use crate::ttype::GetTType;
pub use crate::ttype::TType;
pub use crate::uri::GetUri;



Protocol::serializer wants the same serializer closure passed twice so that it can specialize it for two types: once to compute the size, and a second time to actually serialize the content. This macro helps by taking the factory type and applying the serializer expression twice.


No-op implementation of Spawner - just run on current thread


Error value returned by functions that do not throw any user-defined exceptions.

Classify a result from a specific method call.


Set the default ID’s for unknown exceptions and fields. When reading off the wire, these default values will be overridden with the unrecognized id (which must be nonnegative).


This trait should be implemented for each individual exception type. It will typically be generated.

An extension of ExceptionInfo that also includes successful results. This is implemented on generated *Exn types.