Crate fastfibonacci

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Fibonacci encoding of integers, via the FastFibonacci encoding or FastFibonacci decoding algorithm.

The whole package works in two alternative ways (see Bit- vs Bytestreams):

  1. En/Decoding bit-by bit via the bitvec-crate
  2. En/Decoding entire chunks of bits (represented as u8,u16,u32,u64)

§Introduction: Fibonacci Encoding

Fibonacci encoding is a variable-length encoding of integers, with the special property that any encoding of an interger ends in 1 (binary) and no encoding contains 11. Hence one can use 11 as a separator in a stream of Fibonacci encoded integers.

  • Regular Fibonacci en/decoding works decoding bit by bit, which can be quite slow.
  • FastFibonacci decoding looks at n bits at once, decoding this chunk in a single operation which can be faster. Note: this is distinct from the bit/byte representation (see next section).

§Bit- vs Bytestreams

The crate is divided into two parts:

  • bit_decode (misnomer, not only for decoding), which represents input as bitvec::prelude::BitVec and allows to decode arbitrary sequences of bits. Once we’re done with decoding we can retriueve the remaining bistream for further processing
  • byte_decode, which does not operate on bits but assumes each block of Fibonacci-encoded numbers comes as a sequence of u8 (or u16, u32, u64). The stream might contain other data after, but it is assumed that this transition happens at the u8 (u16 etc) boundary. This makes it less flexible, but faster than processing bit by bit.

Both approaches support an on the fly decoding and a fast decoding (using a lookup table of precomputed partial decodings).


§Regular encoding and decoding:

use fastfibonacci::bit_decode::fibonacci::{encode, decode, FibonacciDecoder};
let encoded = encode(&vec![34, 12]) ;

// Decoding
let decoded = decode(&encoded, false); // 2nd argument: shift all values by -1 (in case we wanted to encode 0 in the fibonacci encoding)
assert_eq!(decoded, vec![34,12]);
// Alternatively, we can also create an iterator (yields one decoded int at a time)
let f = FibonacciDecoder::new(&encoded, false);
assert_eq!(f.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![34,12])

§Fast decoding:

We’ll stick to the bit-decoding version here, analogous approach doing chunks of bits.

  1. Create an object implementing the bit_decode::fast::LookupTable trait (expensive), which decodes multiple bits in a chunk. The crate provides the following implementations of the trait:

    NOTE: There’s also a (lazy) static version of this precomputed table via

  2. The lookup table can then be used to do any amount of decoding via a bit_decode::fast::FastFibonacciDecoder. It’s either instantiated

    Note: For simplicity, there’s also the bit_decode::fast::fast_decode function, which skips the Decoder and just immediately decodes the sequence.

use fastfibonacci::bit_decode::fibonacci::encode;
use fastfibonacci::bit_decode::fast::{fast_decode,LookupVec, get_u8_decoder, get_u16_decoder};
use bitvec::prelude as bv;
let bits = encode(&vec![4,7, 86]) ;
// in bits, this is
// 10110101
// 10100101
// 0111;
// decoding all bits at once, using a u8 lookup table
let table8: LookupVec<u8> = LookupVec::new();
let r = fast_decode(&bits, false, &table8);
assert_eq!(r, vec![4,7, 86]);

// decoding all bits at once, using a u16 table
let table16: LookupVec<u16> = LookupVec::new();
let r = fast_decode(&bits, false, &table16);
assert_eq!(r, vec![4,7, 86]);
// Getting an iterator over the decoded values
let dec8 = get_u8_decoder(&bits, false);
// or more explicitly, using the precomputed static table
// use fastfibonacci::fast::FB_LOOKUP_U8;
// let dec8 = FastFibonacciDecoder::new(&bits, false, &FB_LOOKUP_U8);
assert_eq!(dec8.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![4,7, 86]);
let dec16 = get_u16_decoder(&bits, false);
assert_eq!(dec16.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![4,7, 86]);


§Regular Encoding/Decoding

Regular Fibonacci encoding is up to speed with other rust implementations, e.g. fibonnaci_codec crate (which I took some code from):

  • this crate: 75ms/ 1M integers
  • fibonnaci_codec: 88ms / 1M integers

Regular fibonacci decoding (iterator based) is up to speed with the fibonnaci_codec crate.

  • regular decoding (bitwise): 92ms/ 1M integers
  • regular decoding (bytewise): 66ms/ 1M integers
  • fibonnaci_codec: 108ms / 1M integers

§Fast Encoding/Decoding

The FastFibonacci decoding functions are ~2x faster, but have some constant overhead (i.e. only pays of when decoding many integers):

  • fast decoding (bitwise, u8 segments): 40ms / 1M integers

  • fast decoding (bitwise, u16 segments): 30ms / 1M integers

  • fast decoding (bitwise, using an iterator): 54ms / 1M integers

  • fast decoding (bytewise, u8 segments): 24ms / 1M integers

  • fast decoding (bytewise, u16 segments): 22ms / 1M integers

  • fast decoding (bytewise, using an iterator): 30ms / 1M integers



  • This module contains the code for decoding Fibonacci encoding with a bitvec::BitVec backend, which handles most of the complexity of querying indifivudal bits in the stream.
  • Byte oriented decoding: Oppposed to crate::bit_decode this assumes that the input stream comes in bigger chunks (u8/u16/u32/u64) rather than single bits and takes advantage (speed) of this fact.
  • Utility functions