[][src]Module fasteval::evalns

Evaluation Namespaces used for Variable-lookups and custom Functions.

Several Evaluation Namespace types are defined, each with their own advantages:

  • EmptyNamespace -- Useful when you know that your expressions don't need to look up any variables.
  • BTreeMap -- A simple way to define variables with a map.
  • FnMut(&str,Vec<f64>) -> Option<f64> -- Define variables and custom functions using a callback function.
  • CachedCallbackNamespace -- Like the above callback-based Namespace, but results are cached so the callback is not queried more than once for a given variable.
  • Vec<BTreeMap<String,f64>> -- Define variables with layered maps. Each layer is a separate 'scope'. Higher layers take precedence over lower layers. Very useful for creating scoped higher-level-languages.



fn main() -> Result<(), fasteval::Error> {
    let mut ns = fasteval::EmptyNamespace;

    let val = fasteval::ez_eval("sin(pi()/2)", &mut ns)?;
    assert_eq!(val, 1.0);



use std::collections::BTreeMap;
fn main() -> Result<(), fasteval::Error> {
    let mut map : BTreeMap<String,f64> = BTreeMap::new();
    map.insert("x".to_string(), 2.0);

    let val = fasteval::ez_eval("x * (x + 1)", &mut map)?;
    assert_eq!(val, 6.0);


BTreeMap<&'static str,f64>

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
fn main() -> Result<(), fasteval::Error> {
    let mut map : BTreeMap<&'static str,f64> = BTreeMap::new();
    map.insert("x", 2.0);

    let val = fasteval::ez_eval("x * (x + 1)", &mut map)?;
    assert_eq!(val, 6.0);


Callback: FnMut(&str,Vec) -> Option

fn main() -> Result<(), fasteval::Error> {
    let mut num_lookups = 0;
    let mut cb = |name:&str, args:Vec<f64>| -> Option<f64> {
        num_lookups += 1;
        match name {
            "x" => Some(2.0),
            _ => None,

    let val = fasteval::ez_eval("x * (x + 1)", &mut cb)?;
    assert_eq!(val, 6.0);
    assert_eq!(num_lookups, 2);  // Notice that 'x' was looked-up twice.



fn main() -> Result<(), fasteval::Error> {
    let mut num_lookups = 0;
    let val = {
        let cb = |name:&str, args:Vec<f64>| -> Option<f64> {
            num_lookups += 1;
            match name {
                "x" => {
                    // Pretend that it is very expensive to calculate this,
                    // and that's why we want to use the CachedCallbackNamespace cache.
                    for i in 0..1000000 { /* do work */ }  // Fake Work for this example.
                _ => None,
        let mut ns = fasteval::CachedCallbackNamespace::new(cb);

        fasteval::ez_eval("x * (x + 1)", &mut ns)?
    assert_eq!(val, 6.0);
    assert_eq!(num_lookups, 1);  // Notice that only 1 lookup occurred.
                                 // The second 'x' value was cached.



use std::collections::BTreeMap;
fn main() -> Result<(), fasteval::Error> {
    let mut layer1 = BTreeMap::new();
    layer1.insert("x".to_string(), 2.0);
    layer1.insert("y".to_string(), 3.0);

    let mut layers : Vec<BTreeMap<String,f64>> = vec![layer1];

    let val = fasteval::ez_eval("x * y", &mut layers)?;
    assert_eq!(val, 6.0);

    // Let's add another layer which shadows the previous one:
    let mut layer2 = BTreeMap::new();
    layer2.insert("x".to_string(), 3.0);

    let val = fasteval::ez_eval("x * y", &mut layers)?;
    assert_eq!(val, 9.0);

    // Remove the top layer and we'll be back to what we had before:

    let val = fasteval::ez_eval("x * y", &mut layers)?;
    assert_eq!(val, 6.0);


Custom Namespace Types

If the pre-defined Namespace types aren't perfect for your application, you can create your own namespace type -- just implemenet the EvalNamespace trait (and maybe the Cached and Layered traits too). Also, as fasteval becomes more mature and is used for more real-life things, I will continue to add more useful Namespace types.

Here are a few ideas of possibly-useful custom Namespace types:

  • BTreeMap<String, Fn(Vec)->Option> -- This namespace type would provide a very convenient way to register variables and custom functions. It would be a bit slower than the Callback-based Namespace shown above, but it has isolation and composition advantages.

  • Vec<Fn(&str,Vec)->Option> -- This would be a Layered namespace, with each layer having its own callback. Really powerful!

  • CachedCallbacksNamespace -- Same as above, but with a cache for each layer. Good for expensive look-ups.



CachedCallbackNamespace is useful when your variable/function lookups are expensive.


Use EmptyNamespace when you know that you won't be looking up any variables.



Cache operations for EvalNamespaces.


All fasteval Namespaces must implement the EvalNamespace trait.