Crate fastanvil[][src]

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For handling Minecraft’s region format, Anvil.

anvil::Region can be given a Read and Seek type eg a file in order to extract chunk data.


functionality relating to Minecraft biomes.


The location of chunk data within a Region file.

Encodes how the NBT-Data is compressed

Dimension provides a cache on top of a RegionLoader.

Various heightmaps kept up to date by Minecraft.

A Minecraft chunk.

A level describes the contents of the chunk in the world.

PackedBits can be used in place of blockstates in chunks to avoid allocating memory for them when they might not be needed. This object by default just retains a reference to the data in the input, and unpack_into can be used to get the unpacked version when needed.

A Minecraft Region. Allows access to chunk data, handling decompression.

A vertical section of a chunk (ie a 16x16x16 block cube)

SectionTower represents the set of sections that make up a Minecraft chunk. It has a custom deserialization in order to more efficiently lay out the sections for quick access.


Various compression schemes that NBT data is typically compressed with.


the size of the region file header.

the size in bytes of a ‘sector’ in a region file. Sectors are Minecraft’s size unit for chunks. For example, a chunk might be 3 * SECTOR_SIZE bytes.


Palette can be used to take a block description to produce a colour that it should render to.

RegionLoader implmentations provide access to regions. They do not need to be concerned with caching, just providing an object that implements Region.


Get the number of bits that will be used in Blockstates per block.

Expand blockstate data so each block is an element of a Vec.

Expand generic bit-packed data in the 1.15 format, ie data potentially existing across two 64-bit ints.

Expand generic bit-packed data in the 1.16 format, ie with padding bits.

Expand heightmap data. This is equivalent to expand_generic(data, 9).

Type Definitions