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πŸš€ A simple & easy way to interface with Farcaster via Rust πŸ¦€

Author: Landon Boles

πŸ“œ Documentation

For extensive documentation, visit our docs.rs page

Otherwise, check out the docs folder for examples on how to use functions from each method.

πŸš€ Getting Started


To get started, add the farcaster_rs crate to your Cargo.toml file

farcaster_rs = "0.1.0-beta.3"

Once you have the crate installed, you can start using the crate!


In your main.rs file, set up a new Farcaster struct using the ::new(client: String) method.

use farcaster_rs::Farcaster;
async fn main() {
    let farcaster = Farcaster::new("https://goerli.infura.io/v3/key");
    let landon = farcaster.get_user_by_username("lndnnft".to_string()).await.unwrap();
    println!("{:#?}", landon);

πŸ™ Contributing

To start, I appreciate any and all contributions to the farcaster-rs repository!

There are x prefered things I’d like if you decide to contribute, however.

1. Ensure the issue/contribution is needed

If you spend your time building something, please ensure it’s actually wanted/needed, this is best done by using the Issues tab, and either viewing other discussions, or opening a new issue/discussion

2. Create a new branch for your contribution

Once you have validated the contribution, and forked the repo to your own GitHub account, please create a new branch to commit your code onto.

This can be done via the git CLI pretty easily:

$ git switch -c my_cool_feature

3. Create a detailed pull request, with documentation

I’d like to keep everything documented to make it as easy as possible for people looking to use the crate.

When opening a pull request, please ensure your function/contribution has been properly documented, and include good information about it in the PR. (use common sense)

Thanks so much!


Contains all of the ABI/Registry ABI related functions
WIP - And broken
Contains all of the log related functions (get/parse)
Contains all of the types used throughout farcaster-rs
Documentation for all of the user-related functions


The Farcaster type that holds the keys to the castle - so to speak :)