Expand description


By Landon Boles

farcaster-rs is a simple and easy way to interact with Farcaster in Rust

Example Usage

  • To view Logs documentation, go:

    • here for GitHub examples
    • or here for docs.rs documentation
  • To view ABI documentation, go:

    • here for GitHub examples
    • or here for docs.rs documentation
  • To view Types documentation, go:

    • here for docs.rs documentation
  • To view Users documentation, go:

    • here for GitHub documentation
    • or here for docs.rs documentation

Get Started

// First, you'll need a RPC node to connect to, I use infura.io
use farcaster_rs::Farcaster;
async fn main() {
    let farcaster = Farcaster::new("https://goerli.infura.io/v3/{key}");
    // Get a users info
    let user = farcaster.get_user_by_username("dwr".to_string()).await.unwrap();
    println!("{:#?}", user);


Contains all of the ABI/Registry ABI related functions
WIP - And broken
Contains all of the log related functions (get/parse)
Contains all of the types used throughout farcaster-rs
Documentation for all of the user-related functions


The Farcaster type that holds the keys to the castle - so to speak :)