Crate fancy_default

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This library provides enhancements to the standard library’s Default derive macro. Downloads (recent) License Version

§Table of Contents

§Generic default value configuration

All default value configurations in this library use the same syntax.

  • Field configuration:
    • #[default]: Calls core::default::Default and uses it as the default value.

      Note: Currently core::default::Default is not a constant trait, so a default value must be specified when using ConstDefault.

    • #[default = <expr>]: Use <expr> as the default value for this field.

      Note: better_default does not use string literals to parse expressions, so you can write expressions with default values directly, like: #[default = "foobar".to_owned()].

    • #[default(expr = <expr>)]: Same meaning as the previous format.

  • Variant configuration(enum only):
    • #[default]: Set the variant as the default variant of the enum.
      This attribute works the same as the standard library’s #[default].


Basic Usage:

use fancy_default::Default;
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Person {
    #[default(expr = "no-name".to_owned())]
    name: String,
    id: usize,
    #[default(expr = Some("unknown".to_owned()))]
    tag: Option<String>,
    Person {
        name: "no-name".to_owned(),
        id: 0,
        tag: Some("unknown".to_owned()),


Basic Usage:

// this imports both `fancy_default::derive::ConstDefault`
// and `fancy_default::traits::ConstDefault`.
use fancy_default::ConstDefault;
#[derive(Debug, ConstDefault, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Person<'a> {
    #[default = "no-name"]
    name: &'a str,
    #[default = 0]
    id: usize,
    #[default(expr = Some("unknown"))]
    tag: Option<&'a str>,
    Person {
        name: "no-name",
        id: 0,
        tag: Some("unknown"),


Set default values for each variant of the enumeration.This derive macro uses an additional attribute variant, to set how the default value are generated.

Config Syntax:

  • #[variant(<config>)]:
    • const/const = <bool>: Whether to generate constant default values. The corresponding constant name is the UPPER_CASE version of the current enumeration.
      Default: false. Alias: constant.
    • func/func = <bool>: Whether to generate static methods that return default values. The corresponding constant name is the snake_case version of the current enumeration and has a default_ prefix.
      Default: true. Alias: fn, function.

Note: This attribute can be added to an enum body or to a single variant. If added to the enum body, it will override the default generated configuration.

Basic Usage:

use fancy_default::VariantDefault;
#[derive(Debug, VariantDefault, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Enum {
    #[variant(const = false)]
    Struct {
        #[default(expr = "123".to_owned())]
        name: String,
    Tuple(#[default = 10] usize),
assert_eq!(Enum::PLAIN, Enum::Plain);
    Enum::Struct {
        name: "123".to_owned()


The theoretical minimum rust version of this derived macro is 1.34, which allows passing TokenStream to MetaList from that version onwards.


This library is licensed under the MIT license or the Apache v2.0 license.


pub use traits::ConstDefault;


Derive macros provided by the library.
Default-like traits implemented by the derive macros.

Derive Macros§

Derive the [fancy_default::traits::ConstDefault] trait.
Derive the [core::default::Default] trait.
Derive no traits, but implement functions/associated constants for the type.