Crate falcon_rust
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Unofficial rust implementation of the Falcon post-quantum digital signature scheme.
Falcon was submitted to the NIST PQC standardization project and was selected for standardization. The final standard is still outstanding. We do anticipate slight changes between the standard and the submission, and these changes might break compatibility.
Falcon comes in two variants. Falcon512 claims at least 108 bits of security, and Falcon1024 claims at least 252 bits of security, both against quantum computers.
This implementation was written following the specification and using the python implementation as a guide, although later versions diverge from this reference point.
First, falcon-rust = "0.1.2"
to your Cargo.toml
Then to use the interface:
use falcon_rust::falcon512;
use rand::thread_rng;
use rand::Rng;
let msg = b"Hello, world!";
let (sk, pk) = falcon512::keygen(thread_rng().gen());
let sig = falcon512::sign(msg, &sk);
assert!(falcon512::verify(msg, &sig, &pk));
For serialization / deserialization:
use falcon_rust::falcon512;
use rand::thread_rng;
use rand::Rng;
let msg = b"Hello, world!";
let (sk, pk) = falcon512::keygen(thread_rng().gen());
let sig = falcon512::sign(msg, &sk);
let sk_buffer = sk.to_bytes();
let pk_buffer = pk.to_bytes();
let sig_buffer = sig.to_bytes();