Crate fadroma

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pub use secret_cosmwasm_std as cosmwasm_std;
pub use schemars;
pub use serde;
pub use fadroma_proc_derive as derive_contract;
pub use fadroma_proc_message as proc_message;


Transaction authentication by pre-configured admin address.
SHA256 hashing and pseudo rng. Feature flag: crypto
Test multiple contract interactions using unit tests. Feature flag: ensemble
Emergency pause and termination of contracts. You MUST implement admin in your contract if you want to use this module.
Start here. use fadroma::prelude::* to get the essentials for writing smart contracts with Fadroma.
Secret Network specific utilities and contracts that are commonly used when developing smart contracts for it. Feature flag: scrt
Utilities for interacting with the native key-value storage.


Define the mod wasm entrypoint of production builds.
Use on any type that does not contain a cosmwasm_std::Addr. The implementation simply returns Ok(self) without doing any transformation.
Generate a struct and implement ContractHarness for the given contract module. Alternatively, if using the derive contract macro, specify the third argument which is the implementation struct to use.
Construct a storage namespace. It creates a zero-sized struct with the given type name and implements Namespace on it with the provied byte slice literal.