[][src]Crate extindex

Immutable persisted index (on disk) that can be built in one pass using a sorted iterator, or can use extsort to externally sort the iterator first, and then build the index from it.

The index allows random lookups and sorted scans. An indexed entry consists of a key and a value. The key needs to implement Eq and Ord, and both the key and values need to implement a Encodable trait for serialization to and from disk.

The index is built using a skip list like data structure, but in which lookups are starting from the end of the index instead of from the beginning. This allow building the index in a single pass on a sorted iterator, since starting from the beginning would require knowing checkpoints/nodes ahead in the file.


extern crate extindex;
extern crate tempdir;

use std::io::{Read, Write};
use extindex::{Builder, Encodable, Entry, Reader};

#[derive(Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct TestString(String);

impl Encodable<TestString> for TestString {
    fn encode_size(item: &TestString) -> usize {

    fn encode(item: &TestString, write: &mut Write) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
        write.write_all(item.0.as_bytes()).map(|_| ())

    fn decode(data: &mut Read, size: usize) -> Result<TestString, std::io::Error> {
        let mut bytes = vec![0u8; size];
        data.read_exact(&mut bytes)?;

let tempdir = tempdir::TempDir::new("extindex").unwrap();
let index_file = tempdir.path().join("index.idx");

let builder = Builder::new(index_file.clone());
let entries = vec![
   Entry::new(TestString("mykey".to_string()), TestString("my value".to_string()))

let reader = Reader::<TestString, TestString>::open(&index_file).unwrap();


pub use crate::builder::Builder;
pub use crate::builder::BuilderError;
pub use crate::entry::Encodable;
pub use crate::entry::Entry;
pub use crate::reader::Reader;
pub use crate::reader::ReaderError;

