Crate extattr

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Yet another Extended Attributes library for Rust.

Why another crate for EA? Any difference from xattr?

Extended Attributes syscalls vary across implementations, for example, to set an EA:

// Linux
int setxattr(const char *path, const char *name, const void *value,
size_t size, int flags);

// FreeBSD
ssize_t extattr_set_file(const char *path, int attrnamespace,
const char *attrname, const void *data, size_t nbytes);

// macOS
int setxattr(const char *path, const char *name, void *value, size_t size,
u_int32_t position, int options);

xattr erases differences in those APIs and provides a consistent, rusty interface.

// A consistent API that would work on every OS
pub fn set<N, P>(path: P, name: N, value: &[u8]) -> Result<()>

extattr aims to provide bindings close to the native one.

// Linux
pub fn setxattr<P, S, B>(
    path: P,
    name: S,
    value: B,
    flags: Flags,
) -> Result<()>

// FreeBSD
pub fn extattr_set_file<P, S, B>(
    path: P,
    attrnamespace: AttrNamespace,
    attrname: S,
    data: B
) -> Result<()>

// macOS
pub fn setxattr<P, S, B>(
    path: P,
    name: S,
    value: B,
    position: u32,
    options: Options
) -> Result<()>

In most cases, you would like to use xattr instead of extattr. However, if you are on Linux and want to use that extra flags argument, or you are on macOS and want to use the arguments position and options, then extattr probably is a good choice:)


flags used when setting EAs


Retrieves the value of the extended attribute identified by name and associated with the file specified by the open file descriptor fd in the filesystem.
Retrieves the list of extended attribute names associated with the file specified by the open file descriptor fd in the filesystem.
Removes the extended attribute identified by name and associated with the file specified by the open file descriptor fd.
Sets the value of the extended attribute identified by name and associated with the file specified by the open file descriptor fd.
Retrieves the value of the extended attribute identified by name and associated with the given path in the filesystem. If path is a symbolic link, it will be dereferenced.
Retrieves the value of the extended attribute identified by name and associated with the given path in the filesystem. If path is a symbolic link, the list of names associated with the link itself will be returned.
Retrieves the list of extended attribute names associated with the given path in the filesystem. If path is a symbolic link, it will be dereferenced.
Retrieves the list of extended attribute names associated with the given path in the filesystem. If path is a symbolic link, the list of names associated with the link itself will be returned.
Removes the extended attribute identified by name and associated with the given path in the filesystem. If path is a symbolic link, extended attribute is removed from the link itself.
Sets the value of the extended attribute identified by name and associated with the given path in the filesystem. If path is a symbolic link, the extended attribute is set on the link itself.
Removes the extended attribute identified by name and associated with the given path in the filesystem. If path is a symbolic link, it will be dereferenced.
Sets the value of the extended attribute identified by name and associated with the given path in the filesystem. If path is a symbolic link, it will be dereferenced.

Type Definitions

Customized Result type for extattr.