[][src]Derive Macro exonum_derive::FromAccess

    // Attributes available to this derive:

Derives FromAccess trait.

This macro can be applied only to structs, each field of which implements FromAccess itself (e.g., indexes, Groups, or Lazy indexes). The macro instantiates each field using the address created by appending a dot . and the name of the field or its override (see below) to the root address where the struct is created. For example, if the struct is created at the address "foo" and has fields "list" and "map", they will be instantiated at addresses "foo.list" and "foo.map", respectively.

The struct must have at least one type param, which will correspond to the Access type. The derive logic will determine this param as the first param with T: Access bound. If there are no such params, but there is a single type param, it will be used.

Container Attributes



Switches to the transparent layout similarly to #[repr(transparent)] or #[serde(transparent)]. A struct with the transparent layout must have a single field. The field will be created at the same address as the struct itself (i.e., no suffix will be added).

Field Attributes


#[from_access(rename = "name")]

Changes the suffix appended to the address when creating a field. The name should follow conventions for index names.