[][src]Crate evtclib

evtclib is a crate aiming to provide utility functions to parse and work with .evtc reports generated by arcdps.

About evtc Files

evtc files are files generated by the (inofficial) arcdps addon to Guild Wars 2. They contain metadata about a fight in the game, such as the boss's name (if it was a raid or fractal boss), the participants, and a stripped-down log of the complete fight.

There are other programs (such as GW2-Elite-Insights-Parser) and websites (such as dps.report) which allow you to generate reports from evtc files.

A common way to store and distribute evtc files is to zip them to either a .evtc.zip (old way) or a .zevtc (new way). evtclib uses zip to read them, prodiving the raw::parse_zip convenience function.

Crate Structure

The crate consists of two main parts: The raw parser, which is used to read structured data from binary input streams, and the higher-level abstrations provided in the root and event submodules.

Additionally, there are some defintions (such as IDs for various game items) in the gamedata module.

The main structs that you should be dealing with are the Log and its components, such as Event and Agent.


Currently, there is no convenience function to turn a file into a Log directly, so you have to use the raw submodule to obtain a low-level Evtc, and then convert it to the high-level Log.

use std::fs::File;
// Open a file for processing
let mut file = File::open("my_log.evtc")?;
// Parse the raw content of the file
let raw_log = evtclib::raw::parse_file(&mut file)?;
// Process the file to do the nitty-gritty low-level stuff done
let log = evtclib::process(&raw_log)?;
// Do work on the log
for player in log.players() {
    println!("Player {} participated!", player.account_name());

Make sure to take a look at the note on "Buffering" in the parser module in order to increase the speed of your application.

Writing evtc Files

Currently, evtclib does not provide a way to output or modify evtc files. This is for two reasons:

  • The only sensible source for logs is the arcdps addon itself, most applications only consume them.
  • The library was needed for reading support, and writing support has never been a priority.

While there are legitimate use cases for writing/modification support, they are currently not implemented (but might be in a future version).


pub use event::Event;
pub use event::EventKind;
pub use gamedata::Boss;
pub use gamedata::EliteSpec;
pub use gamedata::Profession;



Event definitions.


This module contains some low-level game data, such as different boss IDs.


This module defines raw types that correspond 1:1 to the C types used in arcdps.



An agent.


Character-specific agent data.


Gadget-specific agent data.


A fully processed log file.


Player-specific agent data.



The type of an agent.


Any error that can occur during the processing of evtc files.



Main function to turn a low-level Evtc to a high-level Log.