event_dispatcher 0.0.2

A simple library to register listeners (with priority) for specific events inspired by rust-emitter
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A simple library to register listeners for specific events inspired by rust-emitter.

Usage example

extern crate event_dispatcher;

use event_dispatcher::{Event, Listener, Dispatcher, Dispatchable};

struct TestEvent {
    stopped: bool,
    data: String

impl TestEvent {
    pub fn new(event_data: String) -> TestEvent {
        TestEvent {
            stopped: false,
            data: event_data

impl Event<TestEvent> for TestEvent {
    fn is_propagation_stopped(&self) -> bool{

    fn stop_propagation(&mut self){
        self.stopped = true;

// the listener
fn event_test(event: &TestEvent) {
    println!("called \"event_test\"");

fn main() {
    let event          = TestEvent::new("my_event".to_string());
    let mut dispatcher = Dispatcher::new();
    dispatcher.add_listener(&event, Listener::new(my_event_test));
