[][src]Crate evalexpr


Add evalexpr as dependency to your Cargo.toml:

evalexpr = "2"

Add the extern crate definition to your main.rs or lib.rs:

extern crate evalexpr;

Then you can use evalexpr to evaluate expressions like this:

use evalexpr::*;

assert_eq!(eval("1 + 2 + 3"), Ok(Value::from(6)));
// `eval` returns a variant of the `Value` enum,
// while `eval_[type]` returns the respective type directly.
// Both can be used interchangeably.
assert_eq!(eval_int("1 + 2 + 3"), Ok(6));
assert_eq!(eval("1 - 2 * 3"), Ok(Value::from(-5)));
assert_eq!(eval("1.0 + 2 * 3"), Ok(Value::from(7.0)));
assert_eq!(eval("true && 4 > 2"), Ok(Value::from(true)));

And you can use variables and functions in expressions like this:

use evalexpr::*;
use evalexpr::error::expect_number;

let mut context = HashMapContext::new();
context.set_value("five", 5).unwrap(); // Do proper error handling here
context.set_value("twelve", 12).unwrap(); // Do proper error handling here
context.set_function("f", Function::new(Some(1) /* argument amount */, Box::new(|arguments| {
    if let Value::Int(int) = arguments[0] {
        Ok(Value::Int(int / 2))
    } else if let Value::Float(float) = arguments[0] {
        Ok(Value::Float(float / 2.0))
    } else {
}))).unwrap(); // Do proper error handling here
context.set_function("avg", Function::new(Some(2) /* argument amount */, Box::new(|arguments| {

    if let (Value::Int(a), Value::Int(b)) = (&arguments[0], &arguments[1]) {
        Ok(Value::Int((a + b) / 2))
    } else {
        Ok(Value::Float((arguments[0].as_float()? + arguments[1].as_float()?) / 2.0))
}))).unwrap(); // Do proper error handling here

assert_eq!(eval_with_context("five + 8 > f(twelve)", &context), Ok(Value::from(true)));
// `eval_with_context` returns a variant of the `Value` enum,
// while `eval_[type]_with_context` returns the respective type directly.
// Both can be used interchangeably.
assert_eq!(eval_boolean_with_context("five + 8 > f(twelve)", &context), Ok(true));
assert_eq!(eval_with_context("avg(2, 4) == 3", &context), Ok(Value::from(true)));

You can also precompile expressions like this:

use evalexpr::*;

let precompiled = build_operator_tree("a * b - c > 5").unwrap(); // Do proper error handling here

let mut context = HashMapContext::new();
context.set_value("a", 6).unwrap(); // Do proper error handling here
context.set_value("b", 2).unwrap(); // Do proper error handling here
context.set_value("c", 3).unwrap(); // Do proper error handling here
assert_eq!(precompiled.eval_with_context(&context), Ok(Value::from(true)));

context.set_value("c", 8).unwrap(); // Do proper error handling here
assert_eq!(precompiled.eval_with_context(&context), Ok(Value::from(false)));
// `Node::eval_with_context` returns a variant of the `Value` enum,
// while `Node::eval_[type]_with_context` returns the respective type directly.
// Both can be used interchangeably.
assert_eq!(precompiled.eval_boolean_with_context(&context), Ok(false));



This crate offers a set of binary and unary operators for building expressions. Operators have a precedence to determine their order of evaluation. The precedence should resemble that of most common programming languages, especially Rust. The precedence of variables and values is 200, and the precedence of function literals is 190.

Supported binary operators:

Operator Precedence Description Operator Precedence Description
+ 95 Sum < 80 Lower than
- 95 Difference > 80 Greater than
* 100 Product <= 80 Lower than or equal
/ 100 Division >= 80 Greater than or equal
% 100 Modulo == 80 Equal
^ 120 Exponentiation != 80 Not equal
&& 75 Logical and , 40 Aggregation
|| 70 Logical or

Supported unary operators:

Operator Precedence Description
- 110 Negation
! 110 Logical not

The Aggregation Operator

The aggregation operator aggregates two values into a tuple. If one of the values is a tuple already, the resulting tuple will be flattened. Example:

use evalexpr::*;

assert_eq!(eval("1, 2, 3"), Ok(Value::from(vec![Value::from(1), Value::from(2), Value::from(3)])));

Builtin Functions

This crate offers a set of builtin functions.

Identifier Argument Amount Description
min >= 1 Returns the minimum of the arguments
max >= 1 Returns the maximum of the arguments

The min and max functions can deal with a mixture of integer and floating point arguments. They return the result as the type it was passed into the function.


Operators take values as arguments and produce values as results. Values can be boolean, integer or floating point numbers. Strings are supported as well, but there are no operations defined for them yet. Values are denoted as displayed in the following table.

Value type Example
Value::Boolean true, false
Value::Int 3, -9, 0, 135412
Value::Float 3., .35, 1.00, 0.5, 123.554

Integers are internally represented as i64, and floating point numbers are represented as f64. Values can be constructed either directly or using the From trait. Values can be decomposed using the Value::as_[type] methods. The type of a value can be checked using the Value::is_[type] methods.

Examples for constructing a value:

Code Result
Value::from(4) Value::Int(4)
Value::from(4.4) Value::Float(4.4)
Value::from(true) Value::Boolean(true)
Value::from(vec![Value::from(3)]) Value::Tuple(vec![Value::Int(3)])

Examples for deconstructing a value:

Code Result
Value::from(4).as_int() Ok(4)
Value::from(4.4).as_float() Ok(4.4)
Value::from(true).as_int() Err(Error::ExpectedInt {actual: Value::Boolean(true)})

Operators that take numbers as arguments can either take integers or floating point numbers. If one of the arguments is a floating point number, all others are converted to floating point numbers as well, and the resulting value is a floating point number as well. Otherwise, the result is an integer. An exception to this is the exponentiation operator that always returns a floating point number.

Values have a precedence of 200.


This crate allows to compile parameterizable formulas by using variables. A variable is a literal in the formula, that does not contain whitespace or can be parsed as value. The user needs to provide bindings to the variables for evaluation. This is done with the Context trait. Two structs implementing this trait are predefined. There is EmptyContext, that returns None for each request, and HashMapContext, that stores mappings from literals to variables in a hash map.

Variables do not have fixed types in the expression itself, but aer typed by the context. The Context trait contains a function that takes a string literal and returns a Value enum. The variant of this enum decides the type on evaluation.

Variables have a precedence of 200.

User-Defined Functions

This crate also allows to define arbitrary functions to be used in parsed expressions. A function is defined as a Function instance. It contains two properties, the argument_amount and the function. The function is a boxed Fn(&[Value]) -> EvalexprResult<Value, Error>. The argument_amount determines the length of the slice that is passed to function if it is Some(_), otherwise the function is defined to take an arbitrary amount of arguments. It is verified on execution by the crate and does not need to be verified by the function.

Functions with no arguments are not allowed. Use variables instead.

Be aware that functions need to verify the types of values that are passed to them. The error module contains some shortcuts for verification, and error types for passing a wrong value type. Also, most numeric functions need to differentiate between being called with integers or floating point numbers, and act accordingly.

Functions are identified by literals, like variables as well. A literal identifies a function, if it is followed by an opening brace (, another literal, or a value.

Same as variables, function bindings are provided by the user via a Context. Functions have a precedence of 190.

Examplary variables and functions in expressions:

Expression Valid? Explanation
a yes
abc yes
a<b no Expression is interpreted as variable a, operator < and variable b
a b no Expression is interpreted as function a applied to argument b
123 no Expression is interpreted as Value::Int
true no Expression is interpreted as Value::Bool
.34 no Expression is interpreted as Value::Float


To use this crate with serde, the serde feature flag has to be set. This can be done like this in the Cargo.toml:

evalexpr = {version = "2", features = ["serde"]}

This crate implements serde::de::Deserialize for its type Node that represents a parsed expression tree. The implementation expects a serde string as input. Example parsing with ron format:

extern crate ron;
use evalexpr::*;

let mut context = HashMapContext::new();
context.set_value("five", 5).unwrap(); // Do proper error handling here

// In ron format, strings are surrounded by "
let serialized_free = "\"five * five\"";
match ron::de::from_str::<Node>(serialized_free) {
    Ok(free) => assert_eq!(free.eval_with_context(&context), Ok(Value::from(25))),
    Err(error) => {
        () // Handle error

With serde, expressions can be integrated into arbitrarily complex data.


This crate is primarily distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


pub use error::EvalexprError;
pub use error::EvalexprResult;



The error module contains the Error enum that contains all error types used by this crate.



A context that returns None for each identifier.


A user-defined function. Functions can be used in expressions by storing them in a Context.


A context that stores its mappings in hash maps.


A node in the operator tree. The operator tree is created by the crate-level build_operator_tree method. It can be evaluated for a given context with the Node::eval method.



The value type used by the parser. Values can be of different subtypes that are the variants of this enum.


The type of a Value.



A context for an expression tree.


A mutable context for an expression tree.



Build the operator tree for the given expression string.


Evaluate the given expression string.


Evaluate the given expression string into a boolean.


Evaluate the given expression string into a boolean with the given context.


Evaluate the given expression string into a float.


Evaluate the given expression string into a float with the given context.


Evaluate the given expression string into an integer.


Evaluate the given expression string into an integer with the given context.


Evaluate the given expression string into a float. If the result of the expression is an integer, it is silently converted into a float.


Evaluate the given expression string into a float with the given context. If the result of the expression is an integer, it is silently converted into a float.


Evaluate the given expression string into a string.


Evaluate the given expression string into a string with the given context.


Evaluate the given expression string into a tuple.


Evaluate the given expression string into a tuple with the given context.


Evaluate the given expression string with the given context.

Type Definitions


The type used to represent floats in Value::Float.


The type used to represent integers in Value::Int.


The type used to represent tuples in Value::Tuple.