Expand description

General IO module.

Example usage for creating a network service and adding an IO handler:

extern crate ethcore_io;
use ethcore_io::*;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;

struct MyHandler;

struct MyMessage {
	data: u32

impl IoHandler<MyMessage> for MyHandler {
	fn initialize(&self, io: &IoContext<MyMessage>) {
		io.register_timer(0, Duration::from_secs(1)).unwrap();

	fn timeout(&self, _io: &IoContext<MyMessage>, timer: TimerToken) {
		println!("Timeout {}", timer);

	fn message(&self, _io: &IoContext<MyMessage>, message: &MyMessage) {
		println!("Message {}", message.data);

fn main () {
	let mut service = IoService::<MyMessage>::start().expect("Error creating network service");

	// Wait for quit condition
	// ...
	// Drop the service

Mio vs non-mio

This library has two modes: mio and not mio. The mio feature can be activated or deactivated when compiling or depending on the library.

Without mio, only timers and message-passing are available. With mio, you can also use low-level sockets provided by mio.

The non-mio mode exists because the mio library doesn’t compile on platforms such as emscripten.


Allows sending messages into the event loop. All the IO handlers will get the message in the message callback.
IO access point. This is passed to all IO handlers and provides an interface to the IO subsystem.
General IO Service. Starts an event loop and dispatches IO requests. ‘Message’ is a notification message type


IO Error


Stack size Should be modified if it is changed in Rust since it is no way to know or get it
Maximum number of tokens a handler can use


Generic IO handler. All the handler function are called from within IO event loop. Message type is used as notification data

Type Definitions

Timer ID