Module esp32h2_hal::pcnt

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§Pulse Counter peripheral driver


The PCNT (Pulse Counter) driver for ESP chips is a software component that provides an interface for controlling and utilizing the PCNT peripheral. The PCNT peripheral is a hardware module available in ESP chips, which functions as a pulse counter and encoder. It is capable of counting pulses and monitoring changes in signal levels from external sources.

The PCNT driver is designed to offer convenient and efficient access to the functionalities of the PCNT peripheral. It consists of two main modules:

The channel module allows users to configure and manage individual channels of the PCNT peripheral. It provides methods to set various parameters for each channel, such as control modes for signal edges, action on control level, and configurations for positive and negative edge count modes.

The unit module is responsible for configuring and handling individual units of the PCNT peripheral. Each unit represents a separate instance of the PCNT module, identified by unit numbers like Unit0, Unit1, and so on. Users can interact with these units to configure settings such as low and high limits, thresholds, and optional filtering. The unit module also enables users to pause, resume, and clear the counter, as well as enable or disable interrupts for specific events associated with the unit.


let unit_number = unit::Number::Unit1;

// setup a pulse couter
println!("setup pulse counter unit 0");
let pcnt = PCNT::new(peripherals.PCNT);
let mut u0 = pcnt.get_unit(unit_number);
u0.configure(unit::Config {
    low_limit: -100,
    high_limit: 100,
    filter: Some(min(10u16 * 80, 1023u16)),

println!("setup channel 0");
let mut ch0 = u0.get_channel(channel::Number::Channel0);
let io = IO::new(peripherals.GPIO, peripherals.IO_MUX);
let mut pin_a = io.pins.gpio5.into_pull_up_input();
let mut pin_b = io.pins.gpio6.into_pull_up_input();

    PcntSource::from_pin(&mut pin_a),
    PcntSource::from_pin(&mut pin_b),
    channel::Config {
        lctrl_mode: channel::CtrlMode::Reverse,
        hctrl_mode: channel::CtrlMode::Keep,
        pos_edge: channel::EdgeMode::Decrement,
        neg_edge: channel::EdgeMode::Increment,
        invert_ctrl: false,
        invert_sig: false,

println!("setup channel 1");
let mut ch1 = u0.get_channel(channel::Number::Channel1);
    PcntSource::from_pin(&mut pin_b),
    PcntSource::from_pin(&mut pin_a),
    channel::Config {
        lctrl_mode: channel::CtrlMode::Reverse,
        hctrl_mode: channel::CtrlMode::Keep,
        pos_edge: channel::EdgeMode::Increment,
        neg_edge: channel::EdgeMode::Decrement,
        invert_ctrl: false,
        invert_sig: false,
println!("subscribing to events"); {
    low_limit: true,
    high_limit: true,
    thresh0: false,
    thresh1: false,
    zero: false,

println!("enabling interrupts");
println!("resume pulse counter unit 0");

critical_section::with(|cs| UNIT0.borrow_ref_mut(cs).replace(u0));

interrupt::enable(peripherals::Interrupt::PCNT, interrupt::Priority::Priority2).unwrap();

let mut last_value: i32 = 0;
loop {
    critical_section::with(|cs| {
        let mut u0 = UNIT0.borrow_ref_mut(cs);
        let u0 = u0.as_mut().unwrap();
        let value: i32 = u0.get_value() as i32 + VALUE.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
        if value != last_value {
            println!("value: {value}");
            last_value = value;

Where the PCNT interrupt handler is defined as:

fn PCNT() {
    critical_section::with(|cs| {
        let mut u0 = UNIT0.borrow_ref_mut(cs);
        let u0 = u0.as_mut().unwrap();
        if u0.interrupt_set() {
            let events = u0.get_events();
            if events.high_limit {
                VALUE.fetch_add(100, Ordering::SeqCst);
            } else if events.low_limit {
                VALUE.fetch_add(-100, Ordering::SeqCst);


  • PCNT - channel configuration
  • PCNT - Unit module
