[][src]Module esp32_hal::prelude::exception

Exception handling

Currently specialized for esp32 LX6 configuration: which extra registers to store, how many interrupt levels etc.

First level interrupts and exceptions save full processor state to the user stack. This includes the coprocessor registers contrary to the esp-idf where these are lazily saved. (Kernel mode option is currently not used.)

WindowUnder/Overflow and AllocA use default Xtensa implementation.

LoadStoreError and Unaligned are not (yet) implemented: so all accesses to IRAM must be word sized and aligned.

Syscall 0 is not (yet) implemented: it doesn't seem to be used in rust.

Double Exceptions can only occur during the early setup of the exception handler. Afterwards PS.EXCM is set to 0 to be able to handle WindowUnderflow/Overflow and recursive exceptions will happen instead.

In various places call0 are used as long jump: j.l syntax is not supported and call0 can always be expanded to mov a0,label; call a0. Care must be taken since A0 is overwritten.



State of the CPU saved when entering exception or interrupt



EXCCAUSE register values