Crate esoteric_vm

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An esoteric virtual machine.

Create a new machine with Machine::default and load machine code and data to it with Machine::load.


use esoteric_vm::{esoteric_assembly, Machine};

// initialize a new machine
let mut machine = Machine::default();

// assembly code for the machine
let asm = esoteric_assembly! {
    // initialize dot pointer so that IO operations work

    // push a dot character to stack
    0: pushi b'.';
    // pop to address 28657
    2: pop 28657;

    // set dot pointer to 28657 (has to be a prime or semiprime, which is also a fibonacci number)
    5: ldidp 28657;

    // -----------------

    // print hello world
    8: writeline 13;

    // halt machine
    11: Ωtheendisnear;
    12: Ωskiptothechase;

    // hello world text
    13: data b"Hello, world!\n\0";

// load machine code
machine.load(&asm, 0);

// run machine until it halts;

// return the machine's register A (unused)


