[][src]Crate ertrace

Experimental Error Return Tracing for Rust.

The immediate goals of this library are to: 1. provide a minimal-boilerplate error handling story based around error return tracing, and 2. demonstrate the value of error return tracing with the hopes of getting support directly integrated into the Rust compiler.

This library is very much in its early days and is highly unstable. Some effort has been made to implement functionality with performance in mind, but, so far, no profiling has been performed. There is undoubtedly room for improvement.

Error Return Tracing

Error return tracing is a novel error handling concept developed by Andrew Kelley for the Zig programming language. Error return traces look a bit like the stack traces displayed by many popular programming languages when an exception goes uncaught. Stack traces provide extremely valuable information for identifying the source of an error, but, unfortunately, they have a considerable performance cost. For this reason, Rust only enables stack traces for panics, and only when the RUST_BACKTRACE environment variable is defined.

Error return traces provide similar information to stack traces, but at a far smaller performance cost. They achieve this by tracing errors as they bubble up the call stack, rather than by capturing an entire stack trace when an error is first encountered. (For more information on the performance differences between stack traces and error return traces, please see the section on performance, below.)

Furthermore, error return traces can even provide more useful information than basic stack traces, since they trace where and why an error of one type causes an error of another type. Finally, since the errors are traced through each return point, error return tracing works seamlessly with M:N threading, futures, and async/await.

Simple Example

use ertrace::{ertrace, new_error_type};
fn a() -> Result<(), AError> {
    b().map_err(|e| ertrace!(AError caused by e))?;
new_error_type!(struct AError);

fn b() -> Result<(), BError> {
new_error_type!(struct BError);



error return trace:
0: BError at src/lib.rs:13:9 in rust_out
1: AError at src/lib.rs:7:21 in rust_out
thread 'main' panicked at 'fatal error', src/lib.rs:18:1
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

Complex Example

use ertrace::{ertrace, new_error_type};

fn main() {
fn a() -> Result<(), AError> {
    crate::b::b().map_err(|e| ertrace!(AError caused by e))?;
new_error_type!(struct AError);
mod b {
    use ertrace::{ertrace, new_error_type};

    pub fn b() -> Result<(), BError> {
        crate::c::c().map_err(|e| match e.0 {
            crate::c::CErrorKind::CError1 =>
                ertrace!(BError(BErrorKind::BError1) caused by e),
            crate::c::CErrorKind::CError2 =>
                ertrace!(BError(BErrorKind::BError2) caused by e),
    new_error_type!(pub struct BError(pub BErrorKind));
    new_error_type!(pub enum BErrorKind { BError1, BError2 });
mod c {
    use ertrace::{ertrace, new_error_type};

    pub fn c() -> Result<(), CError> {
        if true {
        } else {
    new_error_type!(pub struct CError(pub CErrorKind));
    new_error_type!(pub enum CErrorKind { CError1, CError2 });


error return trace:
0: CError(CErrorKind::CError1) at src/lib.rs:37:17 in rust_out::c
1: BError(BErrorKind::BError1) at src/lib.rs:22:17 in rust_out::b
2: AError at src/lib.rs:11:31 in rust_out
thread 'main' panicked at 'fatal error', src/lib.rs:7:5
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

#![no_std] Support

Ertrace provides no_std support. By default, it depends on the alloc and std crates, in order to provide additional functionality, but these dependencies are gated behind the alloc and std features, respectively, and can be disabled by specifying default-features = false in your Cargo dependencies.

Performance: Stack Traces vs. Error Return Traces

In order for a stack trace to be displayed when an exception goes uncaught, the entire stack trace must be captured when the exception is created (or when it is thrown/raised). This is a fairly expensive operation since it requires traversing each stack frame and storing (at minimum) a pointer to each function in the call stack in some thread-local storage (which is typically heap-allocated). The argument usually made is that exceptions should only be thrown in exceptional cases, and so the performance cost of collecting a stack trace will not significantly degrade the overall program performance. In reality, though, errors are quite common, and the cost of stack traces is not negligible.

In contrast, the cost of error return tracing starts very small, and scales linearly with the number of times errors are returned. If an error is handled one stack frame above where it is first created, the overhead runtime cost can be as small as a few ALU ops and a single memory write.



Create ErrorTraceLocation at the given code location






