macro_rules! create_error {
    ( $error:ident => $( $error_reason:ident ),* ) => { ... };
Expand description

Defining an error with set of reason.


use error_ex::{create_error};
create_error!(ErrorType => ErrorReason1, ErrorReason2, ErrorReason3);


use error_ex::{create_error};

create_error!(InputError => IllegalArgument, InvalidInput, MissingArgument);
//Now, you can use the following code to instantiate this error
InputError::illegal_argument(format!("Your message here"));

Error Mapping

The explicit way

use std::fs;
use error_ex::{create_error};

create_error!(FileError => IoError);
create_error!(SchemaError => ParseError);

let error: Result<(), FileError> = Err(FileError::io_error("".to_string()));

let mapped = error.map_err(|error| {
    SchemaError::parse_error(format!("SchemaError::ParseError error {error}"))

Function wrapper

The above code can be simplified using map_to__error! macro using the build in lower order function

use std::fs;
use std::io::Error;
use error_ex::{create_error};

create_error!(FileError => IoError);
create_error!(SchemaError => ParseError);

let error: Result<(), FileError> = Err(FileError::io_error("".to_string()));

let mapped = error.map_err(SchemaError::map_to_parse_error);