Expand description

WASM bindings for ergo-lib


Address types

Ergo constant values

BatchMerkleProof (compact Merkle multi-proofs)

Block header

Box collection types

Simple box selection algorithms


Contract, for easier ErgoTree generation

DataInput type

Box (aka coin, or an unspent output) is a basic concept of a UTXO-based cryptocurrency. In Bitcoin, such an object is associated with some monetary value (arbitrary, but with predefined precision, so we use integer arithmetic to work with the value), and also a guarding script (aka proposition) to protect the box from unauthorized opening.

Ergo blockchain state (for ErgoTree evaluation)


Block header with the current spendingTransaction, that can be predicted by a miner before it’s formation

Ergo input

Merkle Proof verification

Bindings for NiPoPow


Secret key

Token types

Ergo transaction

Unsigned transaction builder



Wallet-like features