Crate ergo_chain_types

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Ergo blockchain types


pub use ec_point::EcPoint;


Elliptic curve point.


Solution for an Autolykos PoW puzzle. In Autolykos v.1 all the four fields are used, in Autolykos v.2 only miner_pk and nonce fields are used.
Transitioning type for Base16 decoded bytes
Transitioning type for Base16 encoded bytes
Block id
N-bytes array in a box. Digest32 is most type synonym.
Extension section of Ergo block. Contains key-value storage.
Represents data of the block header available in Sigma propositions.
Peer address
Block header with the current spendingTransaction, that can be predicted by a miner before it’s formation
Votes for changing system parameters


Direction of the connection to a peer
Invalid byte array size


Blake2b256 hash (256 bit)

Type Definitions

AVL tree digest: root hash along with tree height (33 bytes)
32 byte array used as ID of some value: block, transaction, etc. Usually this is as blake2b hash of serialized form