

Adds a OneInOneOut operator that has one input read stream and one output write stream.

Adds a OneInTwoOut operator that has one input read stream and two output write streams.

Adds a ParallelOneInOneOut operator that has one input read stream and one output write stream.

Adds a ParallelOneInTwoOut operator that has one input read stream and two output write streams.

Adds a ParallelSink operator, which receives data on input read streams and directly interacts with external systems.

Adds a ParallelTwoInOneOut operator that has two input read streams and one output write stream.

Adds a Sink operator, which receives data on input read streams and directly interacts with external systems.

Adds a Source operator, which has no read streams, but introduces data into the dataflow graph by interacting with external data sources (e.g., other systems, sensor data).

Adds a TwoInOneOut operator that has two input read streams and one output write stream.