Crate env_settings

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§Env Settings

Env Settings is a Rust library that helps you to initialize structs using environment variables

This Rust library took inspiration from pydantic's BaseSettings Python class


cargo add env-settings env-settings-derive env-settings-utils


When you add the EnvSettings derive to a struct, two public methods are added to it

fn from_env(...) -> env_settings_utils::EnvSettingsResult<Self>

It creates a new instance using just the environment variables. Skipped fields must be passed.

fn new(...) -> env_settings_utils::EnvSettingsResult<Self>

It creates a new instance using a combination of environment variables and parameters. More in detail, every field that can be initialized by the environment variables can be passed as parameter wrapped in an Option object. Then if the parameter is Some, it is used, otherwise the value is recoved from the environment variables. Skipped fields must be passed. If something fails, it returns an env_settings_utils::EnvSettingsError error


// `export name=paolo` in shell or
std::env::set_var("name", "paolo");
// `export favourite_number=42` in shell or
std::env::set_var("favourite_number", "42");

use env_settings_derive::EnvSettings;

// `delay` is necessary because environment variables are set at run time
struct MyStruct {
    name: String,

    favourite_number: u8,

let my_struct = MyStruct::from_env().unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "paolo".to_string());
assert_eq!(my_struct.favourite_number, 42);

let name = "luca";
let my_struct = MyStruct::new(Some(name.to_string()), None).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, name);
assert_eq!(my_struct.favourite_number, 42);


use std::io::prelude::Write;

// `echo "MY_STRUCT_FAVOURITE_NUMBER=42\n" > .env` in shell or
let mut env_file = std::fs::File::create(".env").unwrap();
// `export MY_BIRTH_DATE=01/01/1970` in shell or
std::env::set_var("MY_BIRTH_DATE", "01/01/1970");

use env_settings_derive::EnvSettings;

// `delay` is necessary because environment variables are set at run time
#[env_settings(case_insensitive, delay, file_path = ".env", prefix="MY_STRUCT_")]
struct MyStruct {
    #[env_settings(default = "paolo")]
    name: String,

    favourite_number: u8,

    #[env_settings(variable = "MY_BIRTH_DATE")]
    birth_date: String,

    birth_place: Option<String>,

    friends: Vec<String>,

let friends = vec!["luca".to_string()];
let my_struct = MyStruct::from_env(friends.clone()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "paolo".to_string());
assert_eq!(my_struct.favourite_number, 42);
assert_eq!(my_struct.birth_date, "01/01/1970");
assert_eq!(my_struct.birth_place, None);
assert_eq!(my_struct.friends, friends);

let name = "luca";
let my_struct = MyStruct::new(
assert_eq!(, name);
assert_eq!(my_struct.favourite_number, 42);
assert_eq!(my_struct.birth_date, "01/01/1970");
assert_eq!(my_struct.birth_place, Some("london".to_string()));
assert_eq!(my_struct.friends, friends);



The current supported parameters for the structs are:

  • case_insensitive: whether the environment variables matching should be case insensitive. By default, matching is case sensitive.
  • delay: whether to delay the lookup for environment variables from compilation time to run time. By default the lookup is performed at compilation time
  • file_path: the file path to read to add some environment variables (e.g. .env). By default, it is not set
  • prefix: the prefix to add to the name of the struct fields before matching the environment variables. By default, it is not set

The current supported parameters for the fields are:

  • default: the default value to use if the environment variable is not found. By default, it is not set
  • skip: whether to skip the parsing of the environment variable. It is necessary if the type specified does not implement std::str::FromStr
  • variable: the environment variable to use for the lookup. By default, the name of the field

§Variables resolution hierarchy

  1. Arguments passed to the new method (if using new).
  2. Environment variables
  3. Variables loaded from a file (e.g. .env)
  4. Default values
