Crate entropy_protocol

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Protocol execution and transport logic for the Entropy signing and DKG protocols


  • A wrapper for the threshold signing library to handle sending and receiving messages.
  • Channels for exchanging protocol messages using noise protocol over websockets
  • Encryption using Hybrid Public Key Encryption RFC 9180 as well as signing with sr25519
  • For private access mode - run the protocol on the client side (the user’s device)


  • The full key share with auxiliary parameters.
  • Tracks which validators we are connected to for a particular protocol execution and sets up channels for exchaning protocol messages
  • Identifies a party participating in a protocol session
  • A Message send during the signing or DKG protocol.
  • A secp256k1 signature from which we can recover the public key of the keypair used to create it
  • Information to identify a particular signing protocol session
  • Details of a TSS server This is different from entropy_shared::ValidatorInfo in that it is used for interacting with the client rather than with the chain - since it uses types which we cannot use in the chain runtime


  • An identifier to specify and particular protocol session

Type Aliases§

  • Parameters used for the threshold signing scheme in production