Expand description

This is a collection of types that implement the embedded-hal traits.

The implementations never access real hardware. Instead, the hardware is mocked or no-op implementations are used.

The goal of the crate is to be able to test drivers in CI without having access to hardware.


See module-level docs for more information.

embedded_hal version

This crate supports both version 0.x and version 1.x of embedded-hal. By default only support for version 0.x is enabled. To enable support for version 1.x, use the eh1 feature.

Cargo Features

There are currently the following cargo features:

  • eh0: Provide module eh0 that mocks embedded-hal version 0.x (enabled by default)
  • eh1: Provide module eh1 that mocks embedded-hal version 1.x
  • embedded-time: Enable the eh0::timer module (enabled by default)
  • embedded-hal-async: Provide mocks for embedded-hal-async in eh1


Currently this crate is not no_std. If you think this is important, let me know.


  • Common functionality used by the mock implementations.
  • eh0eh0
    This is a collection of types that implement the embedded-hal version 0.x traits.
  • eh1eh1
    This is a collection of types that implement the embedded-hal version 1.x traits.