elastictea 2.0.0

An Ingredient crate for working with Elasticsearch in rettle.
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Generic Fill Pour Ingredient crate for the rettle ETL.

Data Structures

  • FillEsArg: Ingredient params for FillEsTea
  • FillEsTea: Wrapper to simplifiy the creation of the Fill Ingredient to be used in the rettle Pot.
  • PourEsArg: Ingredient params for PourEsTea
  • PourEsTea: Wrapper to simplifiy the creation of the Pour Ingredient to be used in the rettle Pot.


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct ElasticTea {
    name: Option<String>,
    avg: Option<f32>,

impl Tea for ElasticTea {
    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {

fn main() {
    let es_client = Arc::new(EsClient::new("http://localhost:9200"));
    let test_fill_esarg = FillEsArg::new(
            "match_all": {}

    let test_pour_esarg = PourEsArg::new(

    let brewery = Brewery::new(4, Instant::now());
    let mut new_pot = Pot::new();
    let fill_elastictea = FillEsTea::new::<ElasticTea>("elastic_tea_test", "test_index", test_fill_esarg);
    let pour_elastictea = PourEsTea::new::<ElasticTea>("pour_elastic", test_pour_esarg);

    new_pot = new_pot.add_source(fill_elastictea);

    // Steep operations of choice
    new_pot = new_pot.add_ingredient(pour_elastictea);
