Type Definition elastic::client::requests::ping::PingRequestBuilder [] [src]

type PingRequestBuilder<TSender> = RequestBuilder<TSender, PingRequestInner>;

A ping request builder that can be configured before sending.

Call Client.ping to get a PingRequestBuilder. The send method will either send the request synchronously or asynchronously, depending on the Client it was created from.


impl PingRequestBuilder<SyncSender>


Send a PingRequestBuilder synchronously using a SyncClient.

This will block the current thread until a response arrives and is deserialised.


Ping an Elasticsearch node:

let response = client.ping().send()?;

println!("node: {}", response.name());

impl PingRequestBuilder<AsyncSender>


Send a PingRequestBuilder asynchronously using an AsyncClient.

This will return a future that will resolve to the deserialised ping response.


Ping an Elasticsearch node:

let future = client.ping().send();

future.and_then(|response| {
    println!("node: {}", response.name());
