[][src]Function ejdb_sys::ejdbcreatequery

pub unsafe extern "C" fn ejdbcreatequery(
    jb: *mut EJDB,
    qobj: *mut bson,
    orqobjs: *mut bson,
    orqobjsnum: c_int,
    hints: *mut bson
) -> *mut EJQ

Create the query object.

Sucessfully created queries must be destroyed with ejdbquerydel().

See the complete query language specification:


Many query examples can be found in src/ejdb/test/ejdbtest2.c test case.

@param jb EJDB database handle. @param qobj Main BSON query object. @param orqobjs Array of additional OR query objects (joined with OR predicate). @param orqobjsnum Number of OR query objects. @param hints BSON object with query hints. @return On success return query handle. On error returns NULL.