Crate ebiotic

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ebiotic provides a light-weight asynchronous interface for some popular bioinformatics web services. It is designed to enable access to the rich data and tools provided by institutes like the European Bioinformatics Institute’s (EBI) and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). It’s built to serialize and deserialze data using common formats like JSON and specialised bioinformatics formats like FASTA using data structures from the rust-bio library.


  • data: Includes interfaces to various bioinformatics databases and data retrieval services.
  • tools: Various tools and utilities for bioinformatics analysis.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

ebiotic = "0.0.26"


The idea of this crate is that all the services, regardless of the type, use a similar interface. This is achieved (currently) by using the core::Service trait and accompanying utilities. Therefore, this trait must be in scope to use any of the services. This can be done by importing it directly or by importing an entire module that contains it. Each utility currently initialises its own reqwest::Client which is used to make the requests. This was done for fine-grained control, but I hope to provide a way to use a custom client in the future.

This is an example of how to use the Dbfetch service to query the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) for a sequence in FASTA format:

use ebiotic::data::*;

async fn main() {
   // The `EbioticClient` is an HTTP client wrapper. At the moment, it supports an async `reqwest::Client`, but is modular so more frameworks can be added in the future.
   // This means that the client is configurable, i.e. a proxy or a custom user agent can be set. The client is designed to be initialized once and then passed to the services.

   let client = EbioticClient::default(); // <- Uses an ARC under the hood, so cloning is cheap and ensures a single client pool. It also means that it is thread safe!
   let dbfetch = Dbfetch::new(client.clone(), DbfetchDbs::EnaSequence, DataReturnFormats::Fasta, DbfetchStyle::Raw);
   let ids = DbfetchIds::new(vec!["M10051".to_string(), "M10052".to_string()]);

   // The `Dbfetch` service returns a `DbfetchResult` which can be converted into a `Vec<Record>` using the `into_records` method.
   // I hope to provide a more ergonomic way of doing this in the future.
   let result =;

// This is also the default configuration for the `Dbfetch` service, so the above can be written as:

async fn main_fasta() {
   // The default initialization of the services also initializes a new `EbioticClient` with the default settings.
   // For this reason, it is recommended to manually initialize the client and clone it if you use multiple services to avoid creating multiple client pools.
   let dbfetch = Dbfetch::default();

   let ids = DbfetchIds::new(vec!["M10051".to_string(), "M10052".to_string()]);
   let result =;

And here is an example of how to use the Blast service to query the NCBI’s sequence database:

use ebiotic::tools::*;

async fn main() {
   let blast = Blast::default();
   // The 'run' method returns a `BlastResult` which can be unwrapped.
   let result =;

§Synchronous example

Despite being designed with asynchronicity in mind, the services can also be run synchronously by blocking on the thread. In the future I hope to provide an API for this.

use ebiotic::tools::*;
use tokio;

async fn main() {
   let blast = Blast::default();
   let result = tokio::task::block_in_place(||;

§Custom reqwest client

The EbioicClient can be configured with a custom reqwest client. This can be useful for setting platform or application specific settings like a proxy or a timeout.

 use ebiotic::data::*;
 use std::time::Duration;
 use reqwest;

 async fn main_blast() {

    let client = EbioticClient::new(

    let dbfetch = Dbfetch::new(client, DbfetchDbs::EnaSequence, DataReturnFormats::Fasta, DbfetchStyle::Raw);
    let ids = DbfetchIds::new(vec!["M10051".to_string(), "M10052".to_string()]);
    let result =;


  • This module contains the APIs for bioinformatics data and knowledge resources.
  • This module contains the APIs for the various services provided by the EBI and the NCBI.