[][src]Crate easylog

easylog - An easy and simple to use logger-crate for Rust.

easylog let you write logging messages to a file so you can analyse them later.

Example 1:

extern crate easylog;

use easylog::log_file::{LogFile, LogLevel};
use easylog::log_file_config::LogFileConfig;

fn main() {
    let default = LogFileConfig::new();
    let mut logfile = match LogFile::new(default) {
        Ok(file) => file,

        Err(error) => {
            panic!("Error: `{}`", error);

    logfile.write(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Insert your logmessage here...");
    logfile.write(LogLevel::INFO, "Insert your logmessage here...");
    logfile.write(LogLevel::WARNING, "Insert your logmessage here...");
    logfile.write(LogLevel::ERROR, "Insert your logmessage here...");
    logfile.write(LogLevel::CRITICAL, "Insert your logmessage here...");

Example Output:

$ cat ./logfile_0.log
2018-06-09 22:51:37.443883  [DEBUG   ]  Insert your logmessage here...
2018-06-09 22:51:37.443969  [INFO    ]  Insert your logmessage here...
2018-06-09 22:51:37.443996  [WARNING ]  Insert your logmessage here...
2018-06-09 22:51:37.444022  [ERROR   ]  Insert your logmessage here...
2018-06-09 22:51:37.444048  [CRITICAL]  Insert your logmessage here...

Example 2:

extern crate easylog;

use easylog::log_file::{LogFile, LogLevel};
use easylog::log_file_config::LogFileConfig;

fn main() {
    let mut custom_config = LogFileConfig::new();

    custom_config.max_size_in_mb = 2;
    custom_config.path = String::from("./");    //  String::from("/path/to/logfile/");
    custom_config.name = String::from("my_logfile");
    custom_config.extension = String::from(".txt");
    custom_config.num_files_to_keep = 2;

    let logfile = match LogFile::new(custom_config) {
        Ok(file) => file,

        Err(error) => {
            panic!("Error: `{}`", error);

Example 3

extern crate easylog;

use easylog::log_file::{LogFile, LogLevel};
use easylog::log_file_config::LogFileConfig;

fn main() {
    let mut custom_config = LogFileConfig::new();

    custom_config.max_size_in_mb = 2;
    custom_config.path = String::from("./");    //  String::from("/path/to/logfile/");
    custom_config.name = String::from("my_logfile");
    custom_config.extension = String::from(".txt");
    custom_config.overwrite = false;
    custom_config.num_files_to_keep = 1337; // has no effect, because overwrite is false

    let logfile = match LogFile::new(custom_config) {
        Ok(file) => file,

        Err(error) => {
            panic!("Error: `{}`", error);

