[][src]Crate easydb

An interface for working with easydb.io in rust.

Quick start

use easydb::EasyDB;
// Create an EasyDB struct to interact with.
// Gets information from `./easydb.toml`.
let edb: EasyDB = EasyDB::new().unwrap();

// Store some data
edb.put("hello", "world").unwrap();
edb.put("goodbye", "earth").unwrap();

// Get a single item
let stored_hello: String = edb.get("hello").unwrap();
assert_eq!(&stored_hello, "world");

// Update an item
edb.put("goodbye", "dirt").unwrap();
assert_eq!(&edb.get("goodbye").unwrap(), "dirt");

// Get a HashMap of all database entries
let resp: HashMap<String, String> = edb.list().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&resp["hello"], "world");
assert_eq!(&resp["goodbye"], "dirt");

// Delete items
let deleted_item: String = edb.get("hello").unwrap();
assert_eq!(&deleted_item, "");


The easiest way to create an EasyDB is to call EasyDB::new(). This generates the struct using data in ./easydb.toml, which should include the following information:

UUID = "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee"
Token = "ffffffff-0000-1111-2222-333333333333"
URL = "https://app.easydb.io/database/"

The URL field is optional and will default to https://app.easydb.io/database/.

If your toml is not at the default location, you can just parse it. For example:

let edb: EasyDB = "UUID = \"aaaa...\"\nToken = \"ffff...\"".parse().unwrap();

If you have individual items, you can initalize an EasyDB with from_uuid_token:

let edb = EasyDB::from_uuid_token("aaaa...".to_string(), "ffff...".to_string(), None);

Using the EasyDB

The four methods get, put, delete, and list correspond to the four available APIs in easydb.io. get and delete take one argument: a key. put takes two arguments: a key and a value. list takes no arguments. Example usage can be seen in the Quick start section at the top of this page.


All network errors as reported by the reqwest crate are returned in Results. Other errors are documented on their respective methods.



The Error type.



The kind of an error.



Additional methods for Result, for easy interaction with this crate.

Type Definitions


Convenient wrapper around std::Result.