Crate easy_collections

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These are wrappers around HashSet and HashMap which make them a little more convenient to use. They aren’t intended for use in main applications, but were created to make prototyping and writing short programs easier.


The struct EasySet wraps HashSet with some useful trait implementations.

use easy_collections::set;

let a = &set!{1, 2, 3};
let b = &set!{2, 3, 4};
assert_eq!(a & b, set!{2, 3});        // intersection
assert_eq!(a | b, set!{1, 2, 3, 4});  // union
assert_eq!(a ^ b, set!{1, 4});        // symmetric difference
assert_eq!(a - b, set!{1});           // difference

let c = &set!{1, 2, 3, 4};
assert!(a < c && b < c);              // subset
assert!(c > a && c > b);              // superset
assert!(*a == set!{1, 2, 3});         // equality

The struct EasyMap wraps HashMap with some useful trait implementations.

use easy_collections::{EasyMap, map};

// `42` here is the default value which is returned when no item exists in the map
// The default value is optional.
let map = map!{42; "foo" => 1, "bar" => 10, "baz" => 100};
assert_eq!(map["foo"], 1);
assert_eq!(map["bar"], 10);
assert_eq!(map["baz"], 100);
assert_eq!(map["nope"], 42);
assert_eq!(map["nada"], 42);
assert_eq!(map["nuttin'"], 42);

let map: EasyMap<&str, &str> = map!{ "foo" => "bar" };

Also, both EasyMap and EasySet deref to their underlying collections, for example:

use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use easy_collections::{EasyMap, EasySet, map, set};

let easy: EasySet<_> = set!{"foo", "bar"};
let hash: &HashSet<_> = &*easy;
assert_eq!(&*easy, hash);

let easy: EasyMap<_, _> = map!{"foo" => "bar",};
let hash: &HashMap<_, _> = &*easy;
assert_eq!(&*easy, hash);



  • A wrapper around HashMap that creates default values for empty keys. It also provides convenience implementations for Index and IndexMut.
  • A wrapper around HashSet which implements a lot of traits. One of the main benefits is that this map implements the BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, Sub and Ord traits in the same manner as Python’s sets: