Crate e2

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pub use crevice;
pub use glam;
pub use image;
pub use wgpu;
pub use wgpu_glyph;
pub use wgpu::TextureViewDimension::*;


Sub-buffer allocation returned from GrowingBufferArena.

wgpu::RenderPipeline equivalent, but with more sensible lifetimes.

Specifies state for a batched mesh draw.

A simple 2D render pipeline designed for use with BatchRenderer.

BatchRenderer can draw many items with the same mesh and texture efficiently.

Caches bind groups basd on a u64 key.

Simplified bind group layout descriptor.

Simple sRGB color type with an alpha channel.

Stores GPU context handles, most notably the device and queue.

An efficient draw data buffer for use with batched renderers.

Font data that is readily available to be rendered.

Data that exists for the lifetime of a frame,

Typed arenas for various GPU resources that need to live as long as the frame.

Stores the same data as [Draw], but in a GPU-friendly manner.

Buffer arena that can grow as needed.

Texture descriptor for image texture; i.e. textures initialized with pixel data.

Mesh stored as vertex and index buffers.

Specifies state for a single mesh draw.

A simple 2D render pipeline designed for use with MeshRenderer.

MeshRenderer is a simplified interface to drawing a mesh and texture with a specified “draw configuration” ([Draw]).

Simplified pipeline layout descriptor.

2D rectangle type.

Texture descriptor for rendering use.

wgpu::Sampler equivalent with a unique ID for use with BindCache.

Simplified render pass descriptor.

Simplified render pipeline descriptor.

Simplified sampler descriptor.

Draw data for a single instance in a non-textured batched sprite draw.

This is a version of BatchRenderer that is designed for rendering batches of sprites (textured or colored rectangle).

Draw data for a single instance in a textured batched sprite draw.

This is a version of MeshRenderer that is designed for rendering sprites (textured or colored rectangles).

Draw data for rendering text.

Text rendering helper type which renders text using a FontBrush.

Texture wrapper type storing a texture and texture view.

GPU vertex with position and UV.

Describes the memory layout of a vertex buffer.


An error that can occur in the library.

Simplified bind group layout entry.

Sprite batch data, either in the form of texture sprites or colored sprites.

The visual contents (texture or color) of a sprite.

Simplified vertex attribute.


Implemented by any batching renderer with a 3 slot design (storage, texture, sampler).

Implemented by any non-batching renderer with a 3 slot design (uniform, texture, sampler).


Type Definitions